April 1, 2008

I really thought I was done, but...

My friend just showed me this article and I really had to share. Really.

According to this guy they interviewed:

“Quizás parezca una idea algo cruda, pero es muy acertada. Una iguana sacada de un lugar limpio, y preparada en un buen fricasé, sorprenderá a sus invitados con su sabor, textura y calidad. Su carne es baja en grasa, liviana, fácil de digerir y gratis.”

"Maybe it seems a bit of a crude idea, but it's actually quite wise. An iguana taken from a clean place and prepared in a good fricassee, will surprise your guests with its flavor, texture, and quality. Its meat is low in fat, light, east to digest, and free."
As I am sure a lot of Puerto Ricans are saying right now, "¡Foooooo!" (Ewww!). Anyways, the best part of the article is the recording, which is very very Puerto Rican sounding. It's kind of hard to discern though in the beginning... only give it a shot if you think .

Also, just saying, I'm watching Univisión here and they are showing Aníbal and his smirk. So yeah, if you didn't know, this is being covered all in the U.S. in Spanish and of course all over Puerto Rican television. And apparently he used about 7000 pesos (dollars) illegally to send his kids to China and Costa Rica, on top of various other personal expenses. Geez.


Petchie75 said...

Ha ha, I heard some Puerto Ricans discuss the article on the bus yesterday - yes, it seems a little strange.
And I was wondering, can it be April's fool?? In Sweden newspapers always publish fake news on April 1st (which it was yesterday).
But according to O, in Spain at least the day to fool people is the 28th December!?

Speaking Boricua said...

Nope, it can't be April Fools, seeing as they've posted a follow up article today as well. I wish it were!